Sunday, August 17, 2008

Pale Blue Dot

Dear Dazzy,

Tomorrow is the first day of my new school year-wow.
I have done heaps of stuff this summer-gone to our home in Oz, visited with people who truly love you and have some leftover hugs for me; planted a garden, visited with Kath both in Austin and here, cleaned out and organized all the nooks and crannies of the house, the garage, my life-wow.

I feel like Michael Phelps in the last swim, LOL

Go Team Daz!

I have had a good week or so after my meltdown over the musical-I did the DMA with friends on Friday night and we went to an Irish Pub afterareds; we took the train in and on the way home it was packed-and not one guy offered any of the three of us women his seat.

I noticed it b/c I know you would have given YOUR seat to any female around-it's the way you were built. Generous and kind ( at times to a fault!), you very polite as well.

I can hear your voice in my head saying, "C'mon mate, let these ladies have a seat! Weren't you taught better than that? " LOL

But sadly you were not there to intervene on our behalf. I had a good time-really had some fun-and I was even OK in the museum. I stood next to your fave Monet in the permanent exhibition-the one I have a pix of with you standing next to it-and while I was full of memories, I didn't cry.

Go figure.

I couldn't get past myself when it came to Jersey Boys, but I was OK at the DMA.

So today I have some gardening to do and the a manicure and massage for later on. I am happy with my progress with regard to my "list o things to do" that I had for this summer, and I will be starting a new list tonight-the continuation of the "list o things to do" but broken into more manageable chunks of time for my limited after school time.

Miss you more than words, Dazzy. I bought two new dresses for school and didn't have my fashionista hubby here to give the thumbs up :(
I bet you'd like em if you could see em :P

I look forward to the challenge of a new school year. I am happy in my job-you know how I love it-and it will be better this year than last; I have not moved classrooms ( had to move last year too many memories in my old place) and so I don't have a huge set up to do-I will be ready for the kiddoes next Monday without too much of a sweat.

I haven't decided what pix I want to take with me from this year-surly kids and dogs and a few Mikey took in Italy and I took in Oz-and always the one of us, wrapped in the Aussie flag, with the SHB in the background.

And when it gets a bit much I just try to think that I will see you again in the future-I have to believe that-and that anything I think is monumental is , well, just human ramblings and whatnot.

Here is my fave Carl Sagan piece that helps me realize that we are part of something so much bigger than insignificant things like school schedules and house repairs all the way up to the biggies like chronic illness and death. It's called Pale Blue Dot, and it rocks.

PS- thanks for the two dimes yesterday-I had the dryer out, Mikey helped, doing that yearly maintinence things on it-vacuuming the exit hose, the lint trap, etc etc .

Not fun stuff but part of the ongoing house thing, which included fixing the screen door again ( Boomer sometimes doesnt WAIT until we slid open the screen, LOL).

When we moved the dryer we were talking about you-about the Olympics and watching with you and how hard it was barracking for BOTH the Aussie and the US swimmers, lol-and there on the floor under the dryer were two dimes, side by side...

like a lil HI from your side fo the universe to us.
I added it to that 21st tankard that sits in my closet-and of course now I have 21 dimes that I have found in various weird places or after interesting times in my journey of grief.

It would probably be 25 or 26 had I paid attentiosn right away; I had no idea about the dimes until you passed away, sweets. It's not enough , but it's all I get, so I'll take it eh?

Love you Dazzy. Always.
Kisses, Wifey

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