Monday, September 29, 2008


Dear Dazzy,

Yes, I wanted a sign. Yes, I was hoping for something yesterday...anything really.

Just something from you that would mean, "Hi, I am OK , honey, and life will get better for you soon, Susie Q..."

So when I got up this morning and found the TV ON ( but no sound,hmmmm), tuned to

"A Wedding Story" on TLC-my first thought was how did I manage to leave the TV ON with the sound off -not muted, off on the surround-sound thingy?

Then it dawned on me-I didn't.

The light from that behemoth 60" TV being on would have kept me awake.

I mean, that thing's got it's own zip code, it's so big. :P

It was your 40th birthday pressie-and I remember renting the truck from Lowes to get it home from the Sam's Club warehouse store. As soon as we were loading it , it started to POUR .

It was all bubble wrapped, so it was OK, but we were all soaked by the time we were back home.

At first, I hated the hugeness of it, but I knew you loved having life-sized footy players on the screen-both gridiron NFL and Aussie Rules- so I tried to keep the griping to a minimum.

The night you left us, the kids, Ranger and I were huddled on the couch, numb, crying, just trying to settle down a bit, when the TV shut itself off.

And on.

And off once more...and when it came on again, it was on a Wachovia commercial on a different channel!

Funny how that was the place you worked for, eh babe?

Weird. Or not?

It's never scary, it just amazes me when these kind of things happen.

It always involves your TV, your phone, your stuff.

Always electrical. Well, except for the dimes, anyway.

Always around an anniversary of sorts...

Thanks for that contact yesterday, honey. I really needed it.

Love you, Dazzy. Always.

Kisses, Wifey

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