Sunday, December 14, 2008

Holy Freakin' Crap!

Photo: Daz and David Campbell-1998

Dear Dazzy,

Went out with friends tonight to celebrate one of them turning 40. Yeah, she's the baby of the bunch....but still we had a good time; all of us back to the MelYork for wine and Tim Tams, lol, and playing with dogs in between conversations and laughter.

Once everyone left, I checked in on the computer to see what's going on at Perez, then my fave Aussie ex pat place, and finally check my email.

At my Aussie stop, I wanted to add a few words and a pix that I brought home from my Oz trip (found it in Daz's desk) to a post about David Campbell singing at Carols by Candlelight-a program that goes on every year in Melbourne for X-mas-and as I was taking this pix out of the stack that is in my closet ( waiting to be scanned over x-mas break)...

...the clock radio came on in our bedroom!

Funny thing is, I do not have it set at all-I use my cell phone for my alarm-and I always have it on KERA, the local hi-brow station, LOL

What came on was the religious Christian station ( like a few stops down the dial), with some Chrissy song, that talked about, "...finding my way back home..."

It startled me, of course, and then I got really still, and sat down on the wing chair to listen to the rest of it. It was some sappy thing that I have never heard before, on a station I never listen to, by a band that would never be in rotation on my Ipody-mp3 player.

It came on at the exact time I was walking past the radio with this photo in my hand.

I can't even begin to explain this one. If the kids weren't here to hear it/see it..I'd be calling the boys and girls with the white coats to come on down and get me already!

Dazzy, I am not sure what the holy freakin' crap just went on, but if that WAS you, honey, then wow.
Love you Dazzy. Always.
Kisses, Wifey.

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