Wednesday, July 04, 2007


Dear Dazzy,

Well I asked for hope and I believe you sent it to me sweets-in the form of a beautiful rainbow !

Smashley, as you called her, and I walked the nutso Boomer to the park and when we came back we looked up into the parting clouds and there was this weird rainbow-it was rectangular, not an arc, and it was just gorgeous to see-like a hovering mirage of an artist's watercolor palette.

It reminded me instantly of driving to Rosebud to meet "Mr P" in 2001 ; we were on the highway and coming out of a terrible rainstorm when suddenly there was a double rainbow woven through the was my first visit to Australia, and I took it as a good omen.

It was :)

Of course I was wistful for that time again, driving along with you -me freaking out because the steering wheel was on the other side of what was normal for me-eeek- you playing tour guide- but today I didn't cry; instead I smiled inside and was happy to remember.

Those moments are few and far between for me right now so I enjoyed it to the utmost. After the past few crappy days I have had it was a welcome change, even if it was fleeting.

Thanks honey. I needed that :)

The soul would have no rainbow had the eyes no tears."
J. Cheney

Love you Dazzles-

Kisses, Wifey

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